Voice Artist Voice Over Mouth Clicks Mouth Noise Dry Mouth

Mouth Clicks, Dry Mouth; The Bane of All Voice Artists

Taking the Bull By The Horns!
Common Solutions for Dry Mouth
How Are Your Speaking Habits
Movement of Lips and Tongue
Steps to Patterns
DIY Solutions
Use of a Neti Pot? Interesting...
Severe Dry Mouth: Acupuncture Might Help
Too Much Saliva: Tips the Balance
After Care: D.A.W. Tips


Saliva is the first critical step in digestion, moistening and breaking down food, providing enzymes, helping to wash away food particles from the teeth and gums, and providing lubrication to promote swallowing. In addition, saliva contains minerals such as calcium and phosphate that help keep teeth strong and fight tooth decay. Saliva, with a variety of host defense factors and influences not only help with your mouth hygiene, dental and gum health but your digestive health as well.

Dry mouth, also called xerostomia (ZEER-oh-STOH-mee-ah), is the condition of not having enough saliva to keep the mouth wet. Dry mouth can happen to anyone occasionally as a side effect of medications or from a variety of health conditions and even a side effect when you are nervous or stressed.  When dry mouth persists, it can make chewing, breaking down food, swallowing, and even talking difficult causing mouth clicks and different mouth noises which will affect your recording sessions. Dry mouth can increase the risk for tooth decay or fungal infections like thrush, and gum disease in the mouth because saliva helps keep harmful germs in check.

A dry mouth can occur when the salivary glands in your mouth don't produce enough saliva. This is often the result of dehydration, which means you don't have enough fluid in your body to produce the saliva you need.

Dry mouth is a symptom of a condition, not a condition itself.

When your voice is your professional career: a teacher, a presenter, a singer, a voice-over artist, a public speaker, a PR representative, a politician and many others, caring for your voice is a lifelong process.  Knowledge, awareness and prevention is the key to keep those vocal cords healthy, strong and help you to take steps to avoid getting injured.

“Your vocal folds require moisture to perform perfectly. The larynx is part of your respiratory system. It's a hollow tube that lets air pass from your throat (pharynx) to your trachea on the way to your lungs. It also contains your vocal cords and is essential to human speech, so it's often called the voice box.”

Keeping this area healthy and moist and making healthy lifestyle choices lead you to protect the perfect tool for your professional voice career. Researching and developing a plan will bring you closer to creating “flexible vocal folds” to create the sound effects and character voices, mastering the different language and accents to give you a perfect recording session.

Taking the Bull By The Horns!

Saliva is Important for the Body

Saliva keeps the mouth and teeth healthy. It cleans your mouth, keeps it moist and removes food between your teeth. Lack of saliva can cause several problems including:

Bad breath (halitosis).
Discomfort: Cotton mouth: Trouble with speech and swallowing
Neutralizing harmful acids
Embarrassment, anxiety if your voice is your career: recording, speaking
Oral hygiene problems, including cavities, tooth decay and other mouth diseases.
Problems with wearing dentures.
Trouble with the digestive process; salvia is the first step in breaking down the food in the digestive steps

Possible Symptoms of Dry Mouth:

  • A sticky, dry feeling in the mouth
    Trouble chewing, swallowing, tasting, or speaking
    A burning feeling in the mouth
    A dry feeling in the throat
    Cracked lips
    A dry, rough tongue
    Mouth sores
    An infection in the mouth
    Mouth clicks, sticky sounds


Possible Causes of a Dry Mouth:

  • Dehydration
    Side Effects from medications: antihistamine, anti-depressants, diuretics
    Medical conditions: diabetes, cancer, kidney conditions, liver problems
    Radiation therapy
    Nerve Damage
    Poor Dental Healthy Mouth Care Routine
    Environmental: pollution, dry dessert elevation, smoky, dusty areas, construction zones, wildfire smoke
    Lifestyle Habits: smoking, drinking, drug use, caffeine intake, chocolate
    Lifestyle Dietary Habits: food allergens, pollutants, hormones in food supply, dairy intake (in some people), refined foods, oils, flours and sugars, nuts, refined carbohydrates


Getting to the Root Cause Try to Avoid:

  • Acidic, spicy, salty, dry and sugary foods and beverages.
    Alcoholic drinks
    Caffeine: tea, sodas and monster drinks, carbonated caffeine tends to dry out the mouth.
    Mouthwashes that contain alcohol
    Smoking, chewing tobacco, vaping
    Breathing with an open mouth
    Sleeping with open mouth, snoring
    Anxiety disorders
    Heat of day, heavy exercises; causes of dehydration
    Over the Counter Drugs like diuretics, antihistamines will cause excessive dry mouth
    Drugs: cocaine, marijuana smoke and others are known to be the cause of dry mouth



The problem with hydration though, is that the body can only take in water at a certain rate. Guzzling 32 oz of water 15 minutes before a recording session is of no use whatsoever. Your body will not have enough time to distribute the water evenly around the body and into the mouth consistently.

The result of this is that you have too much water in your mouth as you’re always drinking to try and catch up you are still dehydrated at the start of the session.

The secret is that you need to start hydrating at least two hours before your session starts. Look at your diet and your lifestyle choices before your recording session ever takes place. Make a plan, find your rhythms and patterns, what helps you create a great performance, timing and choices can make all the difference.

Take in enough water to make sure that you are properly hydrated and watch your choices that might be the cause your dehydration problems in the first place. Be ready and gain awareness.


Common Solutions for Dry Mouth:

Hydrate with pure, clean water from a filter (if traveling or on-the-go use a stainless steel or glass container: See our Product Choices (CLICK HERE)  


Any foods that contain high acidity will help get rid of mouth sounds like clicking and lip smacks. The malic acid in green apples helps flush away mucus and clean the mouth. Fruit acidity is due to the presence of organic acids, malic and citric acids.

With this remedy it is said that eating green apples before a recording session will help clear the mouth of mouth clicks and mouth noises that can be picked up by the microphone.  This fix works well but it is only “temporary fix” only lasts 5 to 10 minutes before the dry mouth will return, the best way to clear this up is to “hydrate” slowly sip small amounts at a time and roll water around the mouth, tongue and swallow to moisten tissues and vocal folds in throat daily.

A solution with water and organic, unrefined, local honey, can affectively clear your throat of phlegm, and sanitize your mouth from bacteria. Placed in a spray bottle will hit the back of the throat and drizzle down to a direct connection to clear up the vocal folds.

pH Acidity Levels:

Natural pH of a resting mouth usually does not fall below 6.3
Average ph levels for the mouth saliva are 6.2 – 7.6

Acidic Food List: pH Levels:

Organic Green Apple – 3.1
Organic Apple Juice – 3.4 – 3.7
Organic Apple Cider – 3.5
Organic Apple Cider Vinegar with Mother – 2 - 3
Organic Green Grapes – 2.4
Organic Pineapple – 3.2 – 4.1
Organic Grapefruit – 2.9 – 3.3
Organic Lemon – 2 – 3
Organic Cranberry - 2.5


 “Remember Balance and Timing …One Report from voice recording producer announced that a voice-over artist had to be replaced because she ate a bunch of Green Grapes just before a recording session and she could not get her voice to clear; too tight, too rough, too dry – eating high acidic foods, lots of caffeine before a recording session causes dry mouth, mouth clicks, and tightens up the vocal folds.”

How Does Acid Reflux Effect Your Vocal Cords

“Looking at diet: people with acid reflux, the acids foods could actually be detrimental to their voice quality. Severe reflux pushes stomach acid up through the larynx and casus the vocal cords o swell or feel dry and irritated.

Excess phlegm and post nasal drip: skip the acid juices this can cause a problem too.  Another source to look at is the food and drink you eat. 
Drinking alkaline water will act as a base to help neutralize the stomach acid.”

John Lingle: Voice Specialist; University of Rochester Medicine Center

Balancing your diet and eating healthy and staying hydrated will work wonders in cutting the gut acidity and increasing your health and immunity. 

Looking at improving your gut microbiome balancing your gut flora and improving your bowel movements will increase the pH balance to neutral and stop your acid reflux. 

Not eating late into the evening and following the rule:

Breakfast eat like a King

Lunch eat like a Queen

Dinner eat like a pauper

Getting enough sleep and do daily vocal exercises, tongue twisters, breathing, or singing exercises can also help your stamina and help you to find a rhythm your body and vocal cords respond too.

Hydrating Foods: High Water Content Foods

For every mouth click you accidentally perform, you will end up with a much louder and more audible mouth click on the finished recording that will need to go through audio editing and effect the efficiency and quality of the end product.

“So, constant sipping of water is essential – I usually get my VO’s to sip a little every 10-15 lines or so. Yes, you will be on the toilet in every single break, but you will be re-hired because your voice sounds delicious.

If you don’t do this – especially in modern air-conditioned studios – clickyness will ensue!
You have been warned!”

– Hugh Edwards; GravyForTheBrain


Again remember single-use water plastic bottles are a concern, several studies and tests find they are full of toxins and take 240 years to decompose down to microplastics in the soil.

Using a stainless steel or glass option for your to-go cups with clean, filtered water is your best choice. Stainless steel and glass is 100% recyclable and reusable. Easy clean up, white vinegar rinse once a week helps to sanitize and keep the bottle clean.
See our Product Choices (CLICK HERE)


  • Sip water, frequently

  • Swish and roll around mouth, slowly

  • Improperly swallowing the water – like guzzling or gulping – during sessions will leave you clicky from too much water in the mouth!

Eating Fruits containing large amounts of water are excellent hydration-conscious snacks and an option for you to consider, nibble 30 minutes to 1 hour before a recording session.

Below is a list including your choice of high water content foods:

Apples – 86%
Pears – 80 – 89%
Watermelon – 92%
Peaches – 88%
Melons – Cantaloupe 89%, Honeydew 91%
Grapes – 82%
Blueberries – 85%
Oranges – 86%
Pineapples – 86%
Plums – 87%
Raspberries – 85%
Broth: chicken 97%, beef 97%, vegetable 98%
Tomatoes – 95%
Cucumber – 96%
Celery – 95%
Lettuce – 95%
Zucchini – 94%
Watercress – 93%

…just to name a few


How Are Your Speaking Habits?

Pronunciation – is defined as the act or result of producing the sounds of speech, including articulation, stress, and intonation. Pronunciation is related to the word itself, focusing on which syllables should be emphasized and how certain letters (or combinations of letters) should sound when spoken.
Developing poor or lazy speaking habits will hurt your communication skills and your recording sessions. 

Practice opening your mouth to shape the words even if you need to over exaggerate at first. 

Learn how to sound out your words then to form your words with your mouth shapes

Listen to how you talk or read out loud to see if there is a pattern with certain words.

Practice until it becomes natural.

Hire a speech therapist or a vocal coach to correct bad habits, if needed.

Poor Pronunciation will cause mumbled words, mis-understood words this will end in poor recording session.

Remember finding the reason for your mouth clicks will help you to understand the causes of mouth sounds and mouth clicks on the recording.  Audio editors find this to causes for time, effort and a more intense audio editing session for them.  In turn, poor acting, poor reading skills, and creating a bad first impression will be the result. It is worth your efforts to correct any badly formed words.

Enunciation - Proper enunciation is essential for the listener of your voice production to have any idea of what the voice actor is saying or singing. Enunciation refers to how clearly and distinctly a particular individual forms the sounds that make up a word.

A perfect example would be in the film version of "My Fair Lady" where Professor Higgins and Eliza Doolittle worked on correcting her speech patterns with the tongue twister:
 “The rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain?” 

Without proper enunciation, that sentence can be a garbled mess and totally misunderstood by the listener! But by enunciating your words, your listener will easily understand even the most difficult, tongue-twisty lines.


How to Stop the Mouth Clicking and Mouth Sounds that come from Your Speaking Habits:

Pronunciation: Break down words, form your sounds, open your mouth – Practice, Practice, Practice until it becomes natural; this will help you with your voice character development, dialect accents in different languages…

Enunciation: starts with proper body alignment: How do you stand? Where do you place your head? Breathing from diaphragm? How are your words sounding? Muffled, mumbling, lazy pronunciation… Practicing…

Slow Down: find your rhythm to develop your word rhythm and sound for clear understanding and comprehension of your listener. Fast talking leads to miscommunication, unless you have great Pronunciation and Enunciation of each word you speak. There are exceptions, of course, instructions from your script; if needed to fit in a timeline; you still will need to create clear content; sometimes vocal warm-ups and tongue twisters will help with clear, fast speaking.

Practice Opening Your Mouth to form your words, even if it feels like you are over-exaggerating – Practice, Practice, Practice until it becomes natural

Learn Breath Deep Exercises build up your endurance

Learn to Breathe Without Noise / Supporting Your Diaphragm

Reading Out Loud: confidence building, rhythm, cadence, breathing, a great practice vocal warm-up exercise

Tongue Twisters: vocal warm-ups with pronunciation and enunciation can create a strong recording. A great book by Rodney Saulsberry: was fun, educational and challenging to study and practice. (CLICK HERE)

Do Not Over Project: Speaking too loud into a microphone will create a poor recording session; learn to equalize – normalize your voice to the level your microphone likes. Some microphones are so sensitive speaking loud causes disturbances and a poor recording sessions
Exception would be anime, sounds effects, or gaming; and any script direction – this is where your GAIN and Equipment Knowledge come into play.

Hire A Speech Therapist or Vocal Coach/Mentor


Movement of Lips and Tongue:

The following tested theory that comes from the Voice Coach; Bill DeWees

“Your 1st line of defense is the MINIMIZE your mouth noise by eliminating the movement of your lips and tongue.”

Keeping your lips resting apart instead of together is a strange habit yes, but an interesting theory if you take a closer look at it.  Very awkward at first but becomes better with practicing and ends up with a ton better result in your recording sessions.  

Resting your lips together (touching) as you read, in between characters, switching chapters, taking a breath will inevitably have to be pulled apart and this will create some kind of noise that will be picked up by your microphone. Getting in the habit and practicing not resting your with your lips together becomes something to become aware of then actively practicing keep your lips slightly apart when you record. Try it – Do you see a difference??

Keeping your lips hydrated and moistened; lip balm, hydration, not getting in the habit of frequently licking your lips; this will dry your lips out even more.

Another awareness step that will be an interesting theory to take a look at is allowing your tongue to move around in between resting periods and to rest against the top of your mouth in-between sentences, between chapters, even taking a break between takes, remember just like the lips if your tongue connects to your lips or the top of your mouth and it moves to pull apart it will make a noise; in turn again this will be picked up by your microphone. Practice on keeping your tongue still and not resting at the top of your mouth might make a big difference in your final recording session.

Joe Zieja’s Voice Acting Academy: https://www.jzvaa.com/

This incredible course takes you through different step-by-step techniques to help voice actors understand components for becoming and building a career and establishing your presence and brand in your chosen professional field in all the different areas and genres of voice-over; position, distance from microphone, filters, types of microphones for different results, Audio Editing D.A.W. tweaks, all these are covered and much, much more…I personally loved and learned a ton from this course and was excited to have so many questions and classes covered and taught.


Microphone Techniques to Help Stop Mouth Clicks:

Good Support For Your Diaphragm: Learn and actively build your breath skill set and how your diaphragm muscle is used. Understanding the purpose and the exercises to develop this muscle will help you to perfect your endurance during a recording session.

Standing Straight/Good Posture: Opens up your chest cavity and gives your full expanse of your lung capacity.

Distance From the Microphone: a golden rule is about a “fist” length or a “hang loose” hand distance away from the microphone. For my hand size the measurement of my “fist” width is 3 ½” and the measurement of my “hang loose” hand is about 7.” This will give you a base starting point to adjust from.

Angle of Microphone: Is generally not directed directly at you face, it is angled downward, depending on your microphone, your room space, a pop filter will help a lot.

Your Breathing Pattern: Become aware of your breathes; when it happens, what pattern you tend to have, what specific words cause more breath than others, what characters create deeper breathes than others, what language dialects cause more deeper breathes, how noisy are you when you breathe, all these patterns will create noise that the microphone will pick up. 

Awareness and control will help you to understand what areas you need to work on and the steps needed to develop your endurance level. 

Deep breathing exercises, vocal warm-ups, tongue twisters, breath control, vocal straws, breath building gadgets, playing a wind instrument, swimming, singing, vocal projection exercises will help you to build your skill set, expand your lung capacity, strengthen your diaphragm and your performance will soar.

Voice Professionals have used the following to develop their skill level and endurance:

Vocal Straws and Sing Ring Vocal Training: Innovative vocal training & therapy tool: Relieve vocal strain, overcome breaks, and build a stronger voice with the Sing Ring – unique speech therapy & voice training tool. Use it to perform vocal exercises recommended by vocal coaches just a few minutes a day, and see amazing vocal improvements.

The BreatherStrengthens respiratory fitness independent inhaling and exhaling dial control: The Breather muscle trainer operates with independent settings for inhalation and exhalation. The ultimate lung trainer, supporting respiratory health by promoting belly breathing.



Your reason for your mouth-clicks or a dry mouth might be different every time you record.

Look for patterns.

Find and Understand the ROOT CAUSE for your dry mouth (allergies, medications, caffeine intake, salty food intake, chocolate, sodas (carbonation), health conditions, mouth breathing, sinus/mucus issues, poor dental care, etc.)

Look for a solution; you may need a couple

Look at your physical time tables and rhythms (when you drink water what is the average time after you will need a bathroom break, how many words or sentences until your mouth becomes dry again)

Look at your nervous anxiety level, personal gage for each situation

Look at your voice and throat health for the day

Try the different solutions to see which ones work for you

Gage your preparation for a session, during a session, and after care.

Look at your environment, then make adjustments to improve conditions (city pollution, dry area, humid area, high pollen count, air conditioning in recording studio, etc) you may need an air filter, humidifier, personal facial steamer, remedy, hydration method, etc

Understand the difference between "sipping" to “moisten” and drinking to “hydrate” - Balance is everything: too much salvia will cause recording problems too. Hydrate 1 to 2 hours before a session.

Chewing sugar free gum with xylitol (sugar alcohol) or stevia gum or sucking on a lozenges = test to see how long before a session that is the most beneficial for you.  watch the timetable, make notes, how long effect lasts. These options will stimulate salvia but it is only a "temporary fix."
Remember to wrap your gum in tissue and throw away before recording.

Remember eating acidic foods do work for some ONLY A TEMPORARY FIX around 5 to 10 minutes (except those with acid reflux condition) - test to see how long this remedy will work for you.  Remember for others it will tighten up the vocal folds and will not work as a "fix" while recording, as it might cause you to cancel a session.

Using a Remedy: Throat Spray (non alcohol base), herbal remedy, tea, lozenges, syrup and more…try and make notes to what is the best for your lifestyle and choices.  How long does each remedy last, which is the most convenient, and cost effective.



Home Remedy Options That Have Shown Success:

  • Ayurvedic Oil Pulling
    Herbs and Herbal Remedies
    DIY: Popular Throat Coat Solution
    Throat Sprays or Spritz
    Essential Oils
    Vapor Inhalation and Facial Steamer
    DIY: Make Your Own Mouth Rinse and/or Gargle
    Lozenges and Pastilles
    Will a Neti Pot help your vocal performance?
    Severe Dry Mouth/Health and Medical Conditions:  Possible Help with Acupuncture:
    Too Much Salvia: Something to consider


Ayurvedic Oil Pulling:
Oil pulling is the Ayurvedic practice of cleansing the mouth with oil.

1 TBLSP of chosen organic oil (extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, sesame seed oil) – then swish for 10 minutes - spit

Dr. Mark Burhenne, from Ask the Dentist, comments:

“If you brush after you pull, you'll actually get rid of the good bacteria you just worked up to support oral care.”

With this in mind, brushing then swishing may be best.

Do Not use seed oils: These are highly refined oils (grapeseed, canola, rapeseed, sunflower, safflower, corn, peanut, vegetable oil, etc) during the manufacturing process heat is created and changes the oil nutrients into toxic elements.
*There is one exception: cold pressed, unrefined organic Sesame Seed Oil.

Use only oils produced from the meat or flesh of the plant – organic, cold pressed, Extra Virgin Olive Oils is one choice, 
Sesame Seed Oil: cold pressed, unrefined organic only, cold pressed, organic Coconut Oil, unrefined, organic, cold pressed

Studies have shown these oils have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which may help decrease and prevent harmful bacteria overgrowth in your mouth.

“Some people get relief from dry mouth by holding a few teaspoons of coconut or sesame oil in the mouth for 10 to 15 minutes without swallowing. Based on the Ayurvedic medicine “oil pulling” method, this at-home approach is “a safe traditional practice for modern times,” says Dr. Hou. Using this natural method for treating dry mouth works because the oil cleans out the mouth while coating and soothing irritated spots.”
Jason Hou, Pharmacist; Integrative Medicine Service (IMS) at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK)

Be sure NOT to swallow the oil.

Don’t spit out the oil in the sink, because it WILL coagulate and clog your drains.

Don’t be shocked if the oil/saliva mixture you spit out is milky white or yellow

No need to physically swish oil around forcefully in your mouth; this would wear your jaw out for the suggested length of time.

Swish here and there and for the rest of the time gently roll the oil around mouth, tongue, roof of mouth, between teeth for the time allotted, without swallowing.

If you fighting bleeding gums or mouth infections or noticing canker sores, add 1 drop of your choice of clove, lemon, peppermint (Essential Oils) into your TBLSP of oil before swishing.  Oregano oil and Tea Tree essential oil will actively fight infections and kill bacteria.


DIY: Herbs and Herbal Remedies:

Herbal remedies can be made into different recipes and mixed in different combinations like; throat teas, sprays, lozenges, or syrups to coat the throat cut down on redness, inflammation, swelling, dryness, hoarseness, itchiness, and croakiness of the voice.

Herbs Used for Throat, Voice, Dry Mouth

Ginger Root, organic
Slippery Elm Bark, organic
Marshmallow Root, organic
Ginseng: balances “yin” creates juices, organic
Honey, Raw, Unrefined Local or Manuka, organic
Licorice Root, organic
Peppermint Leaf, organic
Chamomile Flower, organic
Fenugreek Seed, organic


As with all herbal remedies discuss with your chosen physician/doctor/specialist to make sure any remedies will not interfere with any drug or pharmaceutical prescription you are taking.


For DIY Herbal Recipe Combinations to help with Dry Mouth: CLICK HERE 


How Can Ginger Solve Your Dry Mouth

Ginger throat sprays, ginger tea, and other products with ginger like ginger chews; ginger lozenges (Pastilles); these may help stimulate the salivary glands and increase saliva production


A 2017 clinical trial on 20 people noted that ginger spray could be an alternative to other treatments for some people with dry mouth. Using the ginger root spray increased saliva significantly, soothed throat irritation and reduced itchy throat. Ginger is known to increase circulation and reduce pain.


DIY: Throat Coat Tea Solution:          

Many vocal professionals claim to love to drink the all famous Traditional Medicines Throat Coat Tea products with the main ingredients: licorice root, licorice root extract, slippery elm, marshmallow root, wild cherry bark, fennel, orange peel, cinnamon bark, ginger root

Traditional Medicines Throat Coat Lozenges: Active Ingredients: Menthol Inactive Ingredients: Organic eucalyptus oil, organic glucose syrup, organic ivy extract, pectin, organic peppermint oil, organic rapeseed oil, organic raw cane sugar, water. 


DIY Throat Coat Homemade Tea

16 oz pure, clean filtered water

2 TBLSP Throat Coat Bulk Tea Combination: Loose Tea Leaves

1/4 cup Organic Licorice Root: cut/sifted
1/4 cup Organic Slippery Elm Bark: cut/sifted
1/4 cup Organic Marshmallow root: cut/sifted
1/4 cup Organic Wild Cherry Bark: cut/sifted
1/8 cup Organic Fennel seed: cut/sifted
1/4 cup Organic Orange Peel: granules
1/4 cup Organic Ginger root: cut/sifted
1/4 cup Organic Peppermint leaves: cut/sifted
1/4 cup Organic Chamomile Flowers: whole flowers
1/4 cup Organic Eucalyptus Leaves: cut/sifted

Mix all ingredients; Place in UV Protected Amber Glass Container: store in cool, dry place.

Making A Cup of Tea:

16 oz pure, clean filtered water

2 TBLSP Bulk DIY "Throat Coat" Tea Combination: Loose Tea Leaves

Add water to a stainless steel pot, or a glass tea pot, never use a Teflon non-stick pan
Bring water to steamy, just starting to boil: remove from heat.
Add 2 TBLSP of the bulk loose tea Throat Coat Tea combination;

Cover and let steep for 30 minutes; strain (place used leaves in compost or worm bin); serve warm with lemon and honey, if needed.


For DIY Herbal Recipe Combinations to help with Dry Mouth: CLICK HERE



DIY: Throat Sprays or Spritz:

Organic Herbal Throat Sprays (non alcohol based) are a traditional way of reaching the back of the throat to clear mucus, and to reduce swelling, irritation of a sore strained throat.  This type of remedy by passes the oral mouth and teeth care and goes straight to the target to drizzle down the throat. Making this a perfect way of introducing moisture, lubrication and healing to the larynx, and vocal folds. 

Local, organic raw honey with a squeeze of fresh organic onion and lemon juice, along with a touch of cayenne has been a remedy for a cough, throat care and health going way back to 1700s, delivered by a spoonful to slowly drizzle down the back of the throat or rubbed on the sides and as far back in the mouth cavity to offer relief, soothe the pain and reduce soreness.

Taking a second look we find currant studies to back up the use of throat sprays as another delivery system to heal the throat area without going through digestion first. Too name one of these studies: (Hawkins J, Hires C, Dunne E, Keenan L.PMCID: PMC9297472)  shows promise in promoting the use of essential oils used in a throat spray for helping with bronchial respiratory conditions. You may research several other studies, easily found through a general search on throat spray benefits.

Depending on your recipe combination and the herbs or essential oils you choose to create into a throat spray will determine the purpose you want to achieve. Understand and choose your options carefully, when combining your own formulas based on your health, lifestyle, medical conditions and allergies. Get to know your herbs and what benefits each of them are targeted for.

For example: 

DIY Herbal Throat Sprays are easily created from any tea combinations you have used in the past; like the "Throat Coat Tea." 

This tea combination can be turned into a Throat Spray simply, like this; 

You will need:

(1) 2 oz empty Glass Spray Bottle
Fill bottle 3/4 full of your DIY Herbal Throat Coat tea, after it has been prepared and steeped, then strained for serving.
Add 1 teaspoon to the 2 oz bottle of organic, unrefined, cold pressed extra virgin olive oil (or you can choose: organic, unrefined, cold pressed coconut oil, organic, unrefined, cold pressed sesame seed oil, organic, unrefined, cold pressed avocado oil, remember do not use seed oils because of toxicity, etc.)
**NOTE: Instead of using oil; some has chosen the option to use organic vegetable glycerin to coat and soothe; this is a "sugar alcohol" not a sugar so it is acceptable for diabetics.

Place a "spray top" lid on tight and shake well.

To Use: 

Brush your teeth and wait 15 minutes to regain your normal pH balance in the oral cavity. (this step is to start with a clean mouth) (gargling or swishing works to clear debris from the mouth and in-between teeth, this is the desired effect for this step)

Do not eat or drink any food or liquid during this waiting time, as it changes the pH balance in the mouth.

Open mouth, angle spray bottle to direct the spray toward the back of throat.

Hold your breath, just before you spray.

Spray in the back of throat

Try not to swallow for at least 15 to 30 seconds.

You can use up to 6x daily, or when needed.

You already trust and know this tea combination and feel comfortable using it. Spraying the tea w/oil combination will direct the moisture and soothing lubrication to the back of the throat and down to your vocal chords in a direct path. Drizzling instead of sipping or guzzling.

**NOTE: If you have a favorite essential oil combination use can also add 10 drops to the 2 oz bottle and shake well before using.


Upon further research, pharmaceutical and over-the-counter throat sprays have been used to help recover from various health conditions and do have side effects to watch out for. Research before choosing which brand and for what purpose before purchasing.

As always when using herbal combinations look at allergy reactions and reactions with drug/herb combinations.

Ask your doctor or pharmacist if using your prescriptions along with certain foods or herbs would cause concerns or reactions if used together, for your conditions and lifestyle.

There have been voice performers who have loved products already on the market: these liquid options can very easily be turned into a "throat spray".

For Example:

Many vocal performers have left testimonials and comments for this product:

CLYOR VOICE37- Vocal Booster - Singers Voice Remedy - Throat Vocal Health -

This product does not have a "spray" option available:  By ordering an "spray top" to "fit" the 2 oz bottle size this option will turn your bottle into a "spray" bottle, if you so desire.

(CLICK HERE) to look at this option: 
2 oz Glass Spray Bottles

For DIY Throat Spray Herbal Recipe Combinations to help with Dry Mouth: CLICK HERE 


DIY: Essential Oils Solutions for Dry Mouth, Mouth Clicks and more:

Essential oils are primarily extracted through careful steam distillation but also through cold pressing, the purest essential oils are far more powerful than the botanicals, flowers, herbs, barks, gums from which they were extracted so you get a concentrated form of healing elements.  

Several different options for a vocal performer to take advantage come in many forms and in many oils.  Each essential oil is targeted for uses and healings the the plant has been best known for. They are used in throat lozenges, throat sprays, supplements, cough syrups, vapor/steam therapies, massage therapies, topical/external therapies, cosmetics, and much more. Traditional uses go far back in history and have an excellent healing reputation.

Voice actors increase their immune system, cut mucus, increase circulation, find relief from dry, irritated, hoarseness in vocal cords, soothe inflamed tissues, help with anxiety/stress, headaches, relieve tight muscle strain, coughs and sore throats and much more through the use of the many applications for essential oils.

For Example:

Many know peppermint essential oil and has even had a cup of peppermint tea to calm an upset tummy. Peppermint essential oil has also been used to stimulates skin blood flow increasing circulation which has been used to soothes headaches, sore muscles, hair growth and stop inflammation, and makes your toothpaste taste great! 

Everyone loves the smell of cinnamon/clove and pine around Christmas time and the smell of eucalyptus, wintergreen, menthol when you are feeling sick.

Aromatherapy uses essential oils to soothe the soul and heal the body; voice actors and professional have used oils to help calm an over strained vocal cords and cool the flames of vocal strain in over use for sound effects, anime sessions or long singing tours.

This therapy option is worth taking a look at to see if any of the applications will work for you. You will be surprised that many of your favorite "GO TOs" like lozenges, extracts, teas, syrups, all have in there ingredient list the use of essential oils. 

Essential oils are known to always be applied with a carrier oil, topically (externally) or diluted within a combination of other ingredients to make the final product.

As with any and all things remember balance, awareness, knowledge and action. With the essential oils being a concentrated part of the plant's makeup without any dilution of a carrier oil a possible physical reaction might take place.

For a topical reaction look for: redness, allergic reaction, irritation, itchiness of application site. If this happens make a note and mark the bottle then switch to another oil and  perform another patch test until you find your perfect combinations. 

Remember never apply an essential oil topically straight to the skin without diluting it first with a carrier oil. Always do a patch test on a small area, like inside of your wrist, wait 20 minutes and see if your skin has any signs of redness or irritation or a strong burning sensation.

The industry preferred carrier oils that are absorbed quickly into the skin layer.  Some preferred carrier oils include, organic, unrefined, cold pressed oils like; sweet almond, coconut, avocado, jojoba, argan oils are examples. 

Questions and concerns have been raised about the safety for internal use of essential oils.  

Essential oils come from natural compounds found in nature like plants and fruits, so they provide a safe, natural way to experience internal benefits for the body. Our bodies are already equipped to metabolize and process natural compounds like those found in fruits and plants, which means that we are prepared to process essential oils. 

As with any healing method there are some oils due to their chemistry, that are never safe for internal consumption due to the chemical components reacting to your health condition, medical condition, age, prescription drugs, alcohol intake, and if you are pregnant, elderly or pet use; these will need to be discussed with your doctor or specialists. Do your research and talk to a professional that knowledgeable in the use of essential oils; Functional, Integrative Doctors are a good choice.

Internal Dosage and Dilution

If you have never used essential oils internally; it is always a good idea to start with the smallest possible dose: one to two drops. This will allow you to see how the oil interacts with your body, then you can always increase the dose slowly to see how your body reacts to a higher dosage.

Start with 1-2 drops to 1/4 oz of carrier oil. (1/4 oz equals 1.5 teaspoon)

Recommended dose: 1-6 drops (dilute 6 drops in 2 oz of carrier oil)

No more than 20 drops within a 24 hour period

Always dilute before internal use: These are some of the strongest oils; Cassia (Cinnamon)CloveOregano, Tea Tree, and Thyme

Keep in mind that if you ever experience sensitivity in the digestive system after using an essential oil, you should immediately stop using it.

Only use essential oils from a reputable, certified organic, high quality controlled company like: Young Living, DoTerra, Aura Cacia, Plant Therapy, etc with many more options of great companies out there. Do your research and find the price range and company that fits your choices and lifestyle.

Cool Mist Humidifier/Diffuser Combo: with drops of essential oils (distilled water only: spring water or hard water will cause mineral build-up and potentially ruin your machine and/or make it difficult to remove the mineral buildup.

The rule of thumb is to use a humidifier in a ventilated room intermittently: 30 minutes on and 30 minutes off.

Olbas Essential Oil Lozenges, Pastilles and Inhale Oil Products: Essential Oil Combination Ingredients:  Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Cajeput (Melaleuca leucadendra), Wintergreen, Juniper and Clove.

Essential Oil Diffuser: Choose from your favorite oils or discover new combinations and blends. Find out what works best for your recording space. A diffuser work by creating a steam vapor that is scented with the essential oil or blend of oils from your chosen combinations and for the purpose you are trying to obtain healing, purification, fragrance, soothing anxiety, are just a couple of purposes many have used these powerful oils for.

Some diffusers will have you add a few drops of the essential oils and blends directly to the water itself. Others have absorbent scent pads where you apply the essential oils. With both of these types of diffusers, the scent of the essential oil ends up in the steam, which isn't hot and doesn't pose a risk of burning. The steam is then dispersed into the room.

The rule of thumb is to diffuse in a ventilated room intermittently: 30 minutes on and 30 minutes off.

·      Essential Oils Good For Throat Care: 

Tea Tree
Menthol oil


Looking for Essential Oil combination RECIPES good for Dry Mouth/Throat and Anxiety/Stress


DIY: Vapor Inhalation and Nano Mesh Nebulizers:

Facial steamers and humidifiers and especially the Nano Mesh Nebulizers; are helpful when living in a dry environmental areas or with pollution and high dust windy environments, hydration with a facial, nano ionic steamers and nebulizers can make all the difference. Used frequently across the vocal performing industry to create a soothing, moisturizing effect. Testimonials across the board have boosted this therapy to the highest in the industry. 

Steam or mist in the air that we breathe deep makes direct contact with the vocal cords, break up mucus and hydrate your vocal folds.

More and more vocal performers are commenting on the use of this application to help with their dry mouth, mouth clicks, and mouth noise.

Cool Mist Humidifier: use distilled water only. Options will have a place for the use of essential oils on pads or used directly into the water well or on a pad steam can pass through.

DIY Home Simple Vapor Inhalation: a glass or stainless steel bowl 4 cups of boiling pure, filtered water only.
Place face close over the steamy bowl; place large towel over your head and shoulder, like a tent, and breathe deep for a couple of minutes to moist and clear nasal, mouth and throat.

Nano Ionic Nebulizer For Respiratory Throat Care: this therapy is has been showing great promise and is now being used by professional voice artists across the industry.  Testimonials show results and better performance ratios especially when you are on the road and in several environmental conditions.

For this therapy the use of only a Sterilized Saline Solution at 0.09% can be used; these come pre package and one time vial use for sterilization purposes.

CAUTION: The use of tap water is a concern REMEMBER tap water is proven to be full of toxic elements along with chorine, when heated and turned into steam you inhale the steam, the water vapor that contains chlorine gases, disinfection byproducts like trihalomethanes, chloramines, fluoride and many other water pollutants entering and being absorbed by your lungs and into your bloodstream. Always try to use distilled water when inhaling steam.


 DIY: Make Your Own Mouth Rinse and/or Gargle

In history oral care and taking care of teeth, throat, gums all have been proven to prevent and help with respiratory lung care and gargling has been recorded clear back to Roman times.

In one study from Japan; the method of gargling is being used in the treatment for children's health. 

"Fever is one of the most common symptoms among children and is usually caused by respiratory infections. Although Japanese health authorities have long recommended gargling to prevent respiratory infections, its effectiveness among children...shows effectiveness..." - Study Noda T, Ojima T, Hayasaka S, Murata C, Hagihara A

Many studies and recorded histories show the benefits and effectiveness of gargling, killing bacteria, soothing irritation and providing moisture and lubrication for a dry mouth and throat. Finding the combinations that benefit the needs for your application depends on your knowledge and the recipes you have had success with.

A simple warm celtic salt water solution is a quick remedy to help with bleeding gums, pulled, loose teeth, soothing mouth from a dental visit and dental work and has been used to control the pain from a sore throat or cough.

To help with lubrication, cutting mucus, balancing pH levels

Blend 1 cup of warm distilled water
2 TBLSP alcohol-free organic witch hazel
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon organic Himalayan salt
1 teaspoon sesame seed oil or coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil or avocado oil, unrefined, cold pressed, organic 
5 drops Essential Oil (1 drops Orange, 1 drops Clove, 1 drops Lemon, 2 drops Tea Tree) or (1 drops Peppermint, 1 drops Wintergreen, 2 drops Eucalyptus, 1 drops Menthol oil

Mix all ingredients well in a glass bowl; Store in UV Protected Amber glass jar; shake well before use. Daily take 1 TBLSP of mouthwash and swish for 1 minute, gargle for 15 to 30 seconds, spit.
Storage good for 10 days; self stable


Make your own Mouth Rise:

According to Biological Dentistry adding 1 Tablespoon of Hydrogen Peroxide 3% (food-grade) to your water well of your Water Flosser/Water Oral Irrigator will increase your gum and dental health and provide extra protection against gum disease and tooth decay.

Looking for DIY Mouthwash/Mouth Rise and Gargle RECIPES good for the Throat and Dry Mouth



DIY: Lozenges and Pastilles

“For lozenges, Dr. Hou suggests those containing slippery elm and/or marshmallow root. These herbs contain mucilage, a substance that helps to coat the tongue, mouth, and throat, and keeps moisture locked in your mouth."

This remedy is used to stimulate salvia flow to moisten the mouth. Watch your ingredients and read your labels to find out if the ingredients are clean or just full of ‘junk.”  Look for “clean” ingredients without preservatives, additives, colorings and artificial sugars and ingredients. Stay as “organic” as possible to boost your health and give your poor liver a break.

Remember balance… too much of a good thing can cause problems and tip the scales. How many lozenges and pastilles are you consuming per day…times that with the Nutritional Facts Serving Size on the package and add up how much you are consuming per day.

Lozenges: a small medicinal tablet, originally in various shapes, taken for sore throats and dissolved slowly in the mouth; to stimulate salvia production.

Pastilles: a small candy or lozenge; a type of sweet or medicinal pill made of a thick liquid that has been solidified and is meant to be consumed by allowing it to dissolve in the mouth

Testimonials from voice artists say they love Olbas Oil Lozenges:
Ingredients:  Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Cajeput (Melaleuca leucadendra), Wintergreen, Juniper and Clove

Several voice artists have used Grether’s Pastilles:
Ingredients: Blackcurrants, Glycerin, Red Algae Agar Agar, Gelatin (Gummy Texture)

Another popular lozenge for voice artists is Fisherman’s Friend Lozenges:
Main Ingredient: Menthol 10% ; Inactive Ingredients: Capsicum, dextrin, eucalyptus oil, natural licorice, sugar, tragacanth (Astragalus gummifer)  (this is a gum base from the sap of a shrub in the Middle East; Other Names: Goat’s Thorn or Loco Weed or Shiraz, Gum Elect or Gum Dragon)

Looking for DIY Throat Lozenges and Pastilles RECIPES good for the Throat and Dry Mouth


Will the use of a Neti Pot to help your vocal performance?
Remedy for Sinus Nasal Congestion: Mucus

The remedy of nasal irrigation has been recorded in India over 500 years ago and did not enter the western region until the 20th century. This method removes mucus and dirt, pollen, allergens from the nasal passages.

The best time to use the Neti Pot, commonly called nasal irrigation, is right before going to bed or right when you wake up. This helps to prevent mucus from ever dripping onto your vocal cords in the first place.

Use distilled water:

“The truth is the Neti Pot (like all new experiences), takes some getting used to.  After the 2nd or 3rd try it is very easy to use. The results are fantastic.  Being able to deeply clean and irrigate your nasal passages is a massive advantage for a singer.” – Jacob Burton; Professional Vocal Coach in Nashville, Tennessee

Add the Ayurvedic method and idea of oil pulling; by adding 1 teaspoon of your chosen healthy oil to your Neti Pot to coat nasal cavity with a moisture barrier this will help to keep your sinus cavity moist, lubricated and flexible. Some will add 2-3 drops of there favorite essential oil blend, for a greater healing benefit, if needed.

Cleaning and sterilizing your Neti pot in-between uses is critical to maintain optimal health.

Purchase of the Nasal Irrigation (Neti-Pot): (CLICK HERE)


Severe Dry Mouth/Health and Medical Conditions:
Possible Help with Acupuncture:  

For severe conditions of dry mouth and health conditions with the side effect of dry mouth:


A 2008 study published in the BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies journal showed in scans that acupuncture activated the part of the brain that makes saliva. When researchers stimulated an acupuncture point on the index finger, they found the saliva-making area of the brains in healthy volunteers show up on MRI neuro-imaging signal chains and scans. Nothing happened when the volunteers received a fake acupuncture procedure.

Another study, published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology in 2010, showed 58 people who developed xerostomia (dry mouth) after radiation for head and neck cancers experienced lasting relief from their dry mouth, pain and dysfunction.  Positive results were recorded in the acupuncture procedures as opposed to the pharmaceutical painkillers and other traditional medicines with caused side effects in their patients. Those with the most severe mouth dryness tended to have the greatest improvement.

As always when you are concerned go to a Throat, Mouth Specialist to discover if there might be a health condition and the best way to take steps in balancing out symptoms.


Problems with Too Much Saliva:

Hypersalivation; your salivary glands produce more saliva than usual. This condition may be temporary or chronic depending on the root cause. Constant hypersalivation (sialorrhea) often relates back to an underlying condition that affects muscle control. Parkinson's, injuries, nerve damage, infections can be apart of the testing routine to find the reasons why this symptom is showing up.  This may be a sign preceding diagnosis or a symptom that develops later on.

Looking for the ROOT CAUSE of this symptom will be your key concern. From that determination you will be able to find a solution.  Ask your dentist and your doctor to find and discuss your concerns and discuss your lab results and treatment plan.

Look at your oral care first and then branch out from there. Some have found results with the Ayurvedic Oil Pulling method and with a non-alcohol based mouthwash/gargle, balancing out your pH, use of a Neti pot to flush and irrigate your nasal passages..


Digital Audio Workstation (D.A.W.) Software:

If your mouth-clicks and mouth noises do end up in audio editing here are some great tips for your second line of defense.

Spectral views in your D.A.W’s allows you to see waveforms in color and shape. This type editing helps you to better identify mouth noises and gives you broader editing options to correct the problem.

Again practice, practice, practice and time will help to build your skill level in this type of editing procedure. Get familiar with it and see the difference. There are several YouTube instructional videos that can guide you through.

Others have used Software Plug-ins:
Izotope RX 10: Mouth-Clicks Remover
X- Crackle (Bill DeWee’s favorite) = X-Click - from Waves.com

Here are some video clips to help you to understand other options.  

Bill DeWees: Voice Coach: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1YNXv-1btk

Another helpful video comes from:


Video from Voices - How To Remove Mouth Noises In Your Recordings
#1 Company to Hire Voice Actors/Great Place to Start Your Career
Voices: https://www.voices.com/



The extra length in this article shows the reader the many options that have been used, bought, and suggested for the use in vocal performing artists benefits and to help to alleviate dry mouth, mouth clicks and mouth noises along with general oral hygiene and throat, nasal care.

I hope this article will summarize what is available out there for dry mouth, mouth click, mouth noises there is a lot of options that have been used, researched, studied and applied.  Test and try the ones that you feel will best suit your needs and lifestyle. 

I wish you all the luck and all the joy in your professional career!

Seize the Day!





All content, medical definitions, symptom related language, or medical descriptions included in this article is the author's opinion only and should not be considered to be complete or scientifically accurate, or used as a medical diagnosis and/or advice.

This information is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice given by a medical, specialist or any other medical and health professional. It is only used to start a conversation to gain open communication with your chosen health professional.

Any comments that resemble any person, health condition, or situation is purely coincidental.

I recommend that you do your own independent research on the drug/herb interactions that can be dangerous and affect your treatment plan.  I encourage you to discuss your plan of action, list of all health supplements (in any form), dietary changes, and options you decide to pursue with a qualified licensed professional BEFORE purchasing or taking any natural herbal supplement, vitamin, or make any dietary changes you may consider. My suggestion is to make sure the healthcare professional is educated on the use of natural remedies and their uses: Functional Integrative Specialist and Doctors are a good choice for this purpose.

Any product suggestions or affiliate links with the Amazon Associates Affiliate Program given within this article are the products the author personally used and would suggest as an option for you to research further to include in your possible treatment plan. We use affiliate links to promote the products that have shown positive comments and some personal use and recommendations to create suggestions to help give you choices and create awareness.

The author is not to be held responsible for the choices, opinions, of any third party outside links, blogs, articles, product suggestions that are given by the third party outside links who are responsible for their own content.







Mardani H, Ghannadi A, Rashnavadi B, Kamali R. The Effect of ginger herbal spray on reducing xerostomia in patients with type II diabetes. Avicenna J Phytomed. 2017 Jul-Aug;7(4):308-316. PMID: 28884081; PMCID: PMC5580869.




Deng G, Hou BL, Holodny AI, Cassileth BR. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) changes and saliva production associated with acupuncture at LI-2 acupuncture point: a randomized controlled study. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2008 Jul 7;8:37. doi: 10.1186/1472-6882-8-37. PMID: 18606019; PMCID: PMC2474572.

Pfister DG, Cassileth BR, Deng GE, Yeung KS, Lee JS, Garrity D, Cronin A, Lee N, Kraus D, Shaha AR, Shah J, Vickers AJ. Acupuncture for pain and dysfunction after neck dissection: results of a randomized controlled trial. J Clin Oncol. 2010 May 20;28(15):2565-70. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2009.26.9860. Epub 2010 Apr 20. PMID: 20406930; PMCID: PMC2881730.

Baliga S, Muglikar S, Kale R. Salivary pH: A diagnostic biomarker. J Indian Soc Periodontol. 2013 Jul;17(4):461-5. doi: 10.4103/0972-124X.118317. PMID: 24174725; PMCID: PMC3800408.





Hawkins J, Hires C, Dunne E, Keenan L. Throat Spray With Blended Essential Oils Promotes Healthy Lung Function Among Women: A Randomized, Double Blinded, Placebo Controlled Clinical Trial. J Evid Based Integr Med. 2022 Jan-Dec;27:2515690X221113335. doi: 10.1177/2515690X221113335. PMID: 35849434; PMCID: PMC9297472.

Noda T, Ojima T, Hayasaka S, Murata C, Hagihara A. Gargling for oral hygiene and the development of fever in childhood: a population study in Japan. J Epidemiol. 2012;22(1):45-9. doi: 10.2188/jea.je20100181. Epub 2011 Nov 26. PMID: 22123226; PMCID: PMC3798579.




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