DIY Recipes for Dry Mouth, Mouth Clicks, Mouth Noise Vocal Artists

DIY Recipe Combinations for Dry Mouth, Mouth Clicks and Mouth Noise

Create your own vocal care mixtures to help combat dry mouth. Along with the importance of hydration of pure, clean filtered water and understanding the methods for proper speaking techniques and these homemade DIY recipes keep moisture locked in place you will have incredible recording sessions!

In this follow-up article to the Blog Article posted August 26, 2023; Titled: Mouth Clicks, Dry Mouth; The Bane of All Voice Artists (CLICK HERE) here are the follow-up recipes to support your bodies needs, your health, and your oral care to stop dry mouth in its tracks!

The recipes below are also excellent remedies for the cold & flu season.

 As a quick reminder: When you are using any herbal or DIY remedy communicate with your doctor before use for any herb/drug interactions; discuss any effects that adding herbal remedies will have with your prescriptions drugs or treatment plans that you are on.

Do your own research on each and every herb to understand the base use and side effects that the plant is known for.


DIY Tea Combinations

DIY Throat Sprays

DIY Lozenges & Cough Drops

DIY Throat Syrups

DIY Mouthwash & Gargles

DIY Toothpowder & Paste

DIY Essential Oils


DIY Tea Combinations:

Base Tea Instructions:

16 oz pure, clean filtered water
2 TBLSP Bulk Tea Combination: Loose Tea Leaves

Add water to a stainless steel or glass teapot, never use a Teflon non-stick pan
Bring water to steamy, just starting to boil: remove from heat, add the bulk loose tea combination that you choose to use (below); cover and let steep for 30 minutes to 1 hour (depending on the strength of flavor you desire); strain; serve warm with lemon and honey, if needed.


Combination #1 - BULK
Throat Coat - Soothing

2 TBLSP Licorice Root: cut/sifted, organic
2 TBLSP Slippery Elm Bark: cut/sifted, organic
2 TBLSP Marshmallow root: cut/sifted, organic
2 TBLSP Wild Cherry Bark: cut/sifted, organic
2 TBLSP Fennel seed: cut/sifted, organic
2 TBLSP Orange Peel: granules, organic
2 TBLSP Ginger root: cut/sifted, organic
2 TBLSP Peppermint leaves: cut/sifted, organic
2 TBLSP Chamomile Flowers: whole flowers, organic

Mix all ingredients; Place in UV Protected Amber Glass Container: store in cool, dry place.


Combination #2
Circulation – Creates Juices

2 TBLSP ginger root: cut/sifted (1 TBLSP ginger root powder) – better if you grate Fresh organic Ginger Root 2 TBLSP
1 whole fresh organic lemon; juiced and zested
4 oz fresh organic blueberries
1/2 teaspoon Ceylon cinnamon bark, powdered

Good with 24 oz of pure, clean filtered water. Follow Base Tea Instructions, above

Combination #3
Cuts Mucus - Circulation

1 TBLSP organic Horehound Leaves: cut/sifted
1 TBLSP Peppermint Leaves: cut/sifted
1 teaspoon organic Fenugreek seeds: ground
Ginger root: fresh grated 1 inch or 1/2 teaspoon organic ginger powder

Good with 16 to 18 oz of pure, clean filtered water. Follow Base Tea Instructions, above


Combination #4

Chai Tea:
Does contain for low level caffeine amounts: 16 oz equals approx 90 mg. + of caffeine (less if you use green tea leaves (average 25 mg + per every 8 oz) instead of black tea leaves (average 47 mg + per every 8 oz)

3 TBLSP organic Black tea leaves or organic Green tea leaves
1 organic Ceylon cinnamon bark stick – crushed
1/2 teaspoon organic Ceylon cinnamon, powder
1/2 teaspoon organic cardamom powder
1/4 teaspoon organic clove powder
1/4 teaspoon organic black pepper, ground
1/2 teaspoon anise seed, ground or fennel seed, crushed
1 inch organic fresh grated turmeric root or 1/2 teaspoon organic turmeric root powder
1 inch organic fresh grated ginger root or 1/2 teaspoon organic ginger powder

*Hint: if you like a “latte” flavor after you steep this tea and strain into a cup add 1/4 cup of cold pressed, organic unsweetened coconut milk or your favorite organic milk options, mix well with a “milk frother.”
*Hint: Once you have strained this combination in your 1st batch: these herbs can be placed back into your pan and freshened with another 16 oz of steamy water and covered and “steeped” for 30 minutes, for a 2nd batch of tea, tea will be a little weaker in flavor but still very effective.

Good with 24 oz of pure, clean filtered water. Follow Base Tea Instructions, above


If you decide not to create your own DIY Throat Coat Traditional Medicines Tea Bags: a favorite for many vocal artists across the industry:

Traditional Medicinals Organic Throat Coat Herbal Tea, Supports Throat Health, (Pack of 1) - 16 Tea Bags Total



DIY Throat Sprays Recipes: 

For throat sprays: create your chosen Tea Combination above; when “steeped” “strained” and placed into a cup

Just Add to the cup, the following items:

Add 1 TBLSP organic, unrefined, cold pressed sesame seed oil or unrefined, organic, cold pressed coconut oil stir well;
Add 5 drops of any essential oil combination that you like; (See E.O. combinations toward the end of this article): mix well.

When these steps are completed pour completed mixture into a 2 oz UV protected amber or blue glass "spray" bottle.

Store the leftovers for up to 10 days in a glass container and in the refrigerator.  Refill 2 oz bottle when needed.

**NOTE: Remember you can turn any "liquid" product that you like into a "spray" option buy purchasing "spray" glass 2 oz bottles to fill and spray on the go!

For Example: Vocal Artists have enjoyed this product below, but it does not come in a "spray" option. With a 2 oz "spray" bottle option purchased you now have your favorite remedy to use as a throat spray on the go!


Dosage for your DIY Throat Spray Recipes:

  • Shake bottle well before you spray

  • Spay 1 or 2 squirts into mouth toward back of throat, swallow

  • Spray up to 6 times a day

  • Shelf Stable for the day, refrigerate at night. Good for 10 days, if you want to extend the shelf life add 2 drops of GSE (Grapefruit Seed Extract) or 1 capsule of Vit E., shake well. This will extend the shelf life to 30 days.


If you decide not to create your own DIY Throat Spray here is a great option many vocal artists have used: remember it is simple to turn into a spray option, if you so desire:

CLYOR VOICE37- Vocal Booster - Singers Voice Remedy - Throat Vocal Health - Make Your Singing Smooth I Relieves Hoarseness - All Natural - 2 oz




DIY Lozenges and/or Cough Drops

Base Syrup Instructions:

In a stainless steel pan (do not use a Teflon or non-stick pan) add the following:

4 TBLSP Organic Brown Rice syrup (G.I. Index 98 per TBLSP)
1 TBLSP Organic Manuka Honey (G.I. Index 54-59 per TBLSP)
2 TBLSP Organic Agave Nectar (G.I. Index 17 per TBLSP)
4 TBLSP Organic Maple Syrup (G.I. Index 54 per TBLSP)
4 Drops GSE (Grapefruit Seed Extract) preservative or squeeze 1 Vit E. capsule

Mix all ingredients - Add your choice of combination of herbal healing elements listed below, stir in well and on medium heat bring to a boil; Use a candy thermometer and reach 300 degrees (hard crack stage) stirring constantly so it will not burn on the bottom.
Test your batch stage: with a very cold small glass bowl add 2 TBLSP of very cold pure, clean water; when you reach 300 degrees F drizzle a small amount of syrup, use your finger, in the bowl of water, and roll syrup around a little and move to the top of your finger, if the syrup forms a ball and holds its shape, the batch is done.

When batch is tested and done, pour into silicone lozenge sized mold(s); Place mold(s) in the freezer; leave over night. 

The next day remove solid lozenges from mold and place in a stainless steel bowl and shake 1 -2 TBLSP organic powder sugar over lozenges to coat, stir well, this will help to stop from sticking together when stored.  If you are sugar free coat the lozenges with arrowroot powder or tapioca starch powder; store in a glass or ceramic jar; in a cool, dry place. Don’t forget to label and date your batch. Store up to 3 months.

*HINT: Making low G.I. Index candy or lozenges or your own DIY cough drops, your base of “sugar” or “syrup” to reach the hard crack stage becomes a struggle when using different kinds of base syrups with a low G.I. Index Chart Numbers for diabetics, when I tried to create the base with these types of syrups (like cooking with just Agave) I could not get the same results; some sugars just do not want to be turned into a solid base candy.

I found I could make a throat “syrup” with a single syrup base, like Agave, for a low G.I. Index count but I could not turn it into the "candy stage" for the Throat Coat lozenges recipe.

Organic corn syrup ranks high at 115 G.I. Index and does work out for a “candy stage”  but it was too high of a index count for what I needed. I could not achieve a good result with organic maple syrup either, I am still testing so I will update you when I find a nice balance with a low G.I. index (hang in there I am still trying).

 Right now, the recipe base above has worked the best for my family.

*HINT: If you would like the MENTHOL feeling to clear out your sinus too; add 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of Menthol crystals to any of these combinations.

Same with Flavorings: there are several choices of food grade candy flavorings available in today’s market like: coconut, cherry, lemon, etc. You can add those into any of these combinations also.

Play around and come up with your own combinations and your own syrup base turned into a “candy stage” for your lifestyle.


Combination #1
Cuts Mucus – DIY Throat Coat, Soothes

1 teaspoon organic sage powder
1 teaspoon organic ginger root powder
1 teaspoon organic slippery elm bark powder
1 teaspoon organic marshmallow root powder
1 teaspoon organic licorice root powder
1 TBLSP Horehound Extract
1 teaspoon peppermint leaf powder
1 whole organic fresh lemon, juiced
1 whole organic fresh lemon peeled, zested

Combination #2
Circulation – Cuts Mucus, Soothes

1 teaspoon organic fenugreek seed powder
1 teaspoon organic ginger root powder
1 teaspoon organic Ceylon cinnamon powder
1 teaspoon organic slippery elm bark powder

Combination #3
Cuts mucus – Immune Builder - Soothing

1 TBLSP horehound extract
1/2 teaspoon organic mild cayenne powder
1 teaspoon organic ginger root powder
1 teaspoon organic marshmallow root powder
1 teaspoon organic slippery elm bark powder
1 teaspoon organic licorice root powder

Combination #4
Cuts mucus – Kills bacteria – Immune Builder

1 teaspoon organic sage powder
1 teaspoon organic oregano leaf powder (grind up and crush if in leaf form)
1 teaspoon organic rosemary leaf powder
1 teaspoon organic thyme leaf powder
1 whole organic fresh lemon, juiced
1 whole organic fresh lemon peeled, zested


If you decide not to create your own DIY lozenges here are some favorites other vocal artists love:

Testimonials from voice artists say they love Olbas Oil Lozenges:
Ingredients:  Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Cajeput (Melaleuca leucadendra), Wintergreen, Juniper and Clove

Several voice artists have used Grether’s Pastilles:
Ingredients: Blackcurrants, Glycerin, Red Algae Agar Agar, Gelatin (Gummy Texture)

Another popular lozenge for voice artists is Fisherman’s Friend Lozenges:
Main Ingredient: Menthol 10% ; Inactive Ingredients: Capsicum, dextrin, eucalyptus oil, natural licorice, sugar, tragacanth (Astragalus gummifer)  (this is a gum base from the sap of a shrub in the Middle East; Other Names: Goat’s Thorn or Loco Weed or Shiraz, Gum Elect or Gum Dragon)



DIY Throat Syrups Recipes

BASE Syrup Instructions:

In a stainless steel pan (do not use a Teflon or non-stick pan) add the following:

3 TBLSP Organic Agave Nectar (G.I. Index 17 per TBLSP)
3 TBLSP Organic Maple Syrup (G.I. Index 54-59 per TBLSP)
2 TBLSP Organic Manuka Raw Honey (G.I. Index honey 58 per TBLSP. But Acacia honey (also known as black locust honey from nectar flowering tree in Appalachian forests) registers around 32)
2TBLSP Organic Apple Cider Vinegar with mother
4 Drops GSE (Grapefruit Seed Extract) preservative or squeeze 1 Vitamin E. capsule

Mix well; Add in your choice of the following combinations below and bring to a boil, when the syrup starts to bubble, remove from heat; strain syrup into a stainless steel bowl and press through a 100% Unbleached Cotton Cheesecloth or 100% Unbleached Muslin Cloth until all is squeezed out. You may rinse and wash the cloth; then wash as normal.
Pour completed syrup into a glass container and keep refrigerated; This syrup will remain shelf stable for the day, but refrigerate at night, it will last up to 10 days.

Dosage: 1 TBLSP up to 3 times a day.


Combination #1
High Antioxidant – Cuts Mucus – Immunity - Coats

1/2 cup fresh organic blueberries
1/2 cup fresh organic blackberries
1/2 cup fresh organic cranberries
1 teaspoon ceylon cinnamon bark powder, organic
1 teaspoon organic ginger root powder or 1 inch of fresh organic ginger root grated


Combination #2
Soothes – Cuts Mucus - Coats

1 teaspoon organic slippery elm bark, powder
1 teaspoon organic marshmallow root, powder
1 teaspoon organic calendula flowers, powder
1 teaspoon organic ginger root, powder or 1 inch of fresh organic ginger root, grated
1 TBLSP organic peppermint leaves, powder


Combination #3
Fire Cider Tonic DIY: Cuts Mucus – Immunity – Colds & Flus

**Note: to use this combination in your syrup or your lozenge recipes you will need to make the “Base Recipe” first:  The timeline for this is one month (30 days) to "steep" ingredients.

When the base is done and ready to be stored; Use 1/4 cup of the fire cider base into the throat syrup base recipe above; or you can add 1/4 cup of the fire cider into your throat lozenge base recipe, as your chosen combination choice, then follow the directions for that recipe and finish it off.

**Note: If you prefer NOT to make this base recipe yourself: you can purchase the already created product

(CLICK HERE) Fire Cider  



1 medium organic onion, chopped, fresh
10 cloves of organic garlic, crushed or chopped, fresh
2 organic jalapeno peppers, chopped, fresh
Zest the peel and juice from 1 organic lemon, fresh
1/2 cup fresh grated organic ginger root (or 2 TLBSP organic ginger root powder)
1/2 cup fresh grated organic horseradish root (or 2 TBLSP organic horseradish powder)
1 TBLSP organic turmeric root powder, or grate 1" of fresh root
1 teaspoon organic cayenne powder
2 TBLSP dried organic rosemary leaves cut, or fresh
2 TBLSP dried organic sage leaves cut, or fresh
32 oz organic apple cider vinegar with the mother
1/4 cup of raw, local honey or organic manuka honey


Prepare your roots, fruits, and herbs and place them all into a UV protected amber quart-sized glass jar. If you've never grated fresh horseradish, be prepared for a powerful sinus-opening experience!

Pour the apple cider vinegar in the jar until all of the ingredients are covered and the vinegar reaches the jar's top.

Use a piece of natural parchment paper under the lid to keep the vinegar from touching the metal. Shake well.

Store in a dark, cool place for a month (30 days) and remember to shake bottle daily.

After one month, use cheesecloth to strain out the pulp, pouring the vinegar into a clean jar. Be sure to squeeze as much that you can from the pulp.

With this strained liquid, add and stir in the honey until incorporated.

Taste your cider and add more honey until you reach the desired sweetness. Remember "balance" not too much but not too little.

Shelf Stable until jar is opened afterward Store in Refrigerator


Combination #4
Cuts Mucus – Immunity – Colds & Flus

1 cup dried Elderberries, whole (or organic black currants )
1 whole organic fresh lemon, juiced and with the peel, zested
1 teaspoon organic ceylon cinnamon bark, powder


Combination #5
Cuts mucus – Cough Suppressant – Sore, itchy throat

1 TBLSP organic fresh onion juice - 1/2 small onion blended and pressed “strained” with 100% Unbleached Cheesecloth into bowl
1 teaspoon fresh garlic juice – 2 fresh organic cloves minced and pressed, juiced
1/4 teaspoon organic mild cayenne powder
1/2 teaspoon organic ginger root powder or 1 inch of fresh organic ginger root grated

*HINT: If you would like the MENTHOL feeling to clear out your sinus too; add 1/2 to 1 teaspoons of organic Menthol crystals to any of these combinations. (EXCEPT: Fire Cider Combination)


If you decide not to create your own DIY throat syrup here is a great option for you to consider:

Gaia Herbs Bronchial Wellness Throat Syrup 



DIY Mouthwash/Gargle Recipes:

Base Instructions:

1 cup clean, pure filtered water or distilled water (never use cold, cold water, warm water will open pores)
Add your choice of combination below

Brush your teeth before you use your DIY mouthwash or gargle.
Start with a clean mouth.
Mix in your choice of combination; stir well; sip
Swish around mouth for 3 to 5 minutes
Then gargle in the back of your throat for 1 minute then spit out.


Combination #1

1 teaspoon Pink Himalayan Salt or Celtic Salt
1 teaspoon Baking Soda


Combination #2

1 TBLSP unrefined, cold pressed, organic sesame seed oil or unrefined, cold pressed, organic coconut oil
2 drops organic clove essential oil or organic peppermint essential oil


Combination #3

Blend 1 cup of warm distilled water
2 TBLSP alcohol-free organic witch hazel, unscented
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon Himalayan pink salt or celtic salt
1 teaspoon sesame seed oil, unrefined, cold pressed, organic
5 drops Organic Essential Oil (2 drops orange, 1 drops clove, 1 drops lemon, 1 drops tea tree)

Mix all ingredients well in a glass bowl; Store in UV Protected Amber glass jar; shake well before use. Daily take 1 TBLSP of mouthwash and swish for 1 minute, gargle for 1 minute, spit.


Combination #4
Biological Dentistry suggests:
Hydrogen Peroxide 3% solution – Add 1 TBLSP to the water well of  your water flosser at least once a month to help with bleeding gums and killing bacteria and good tip to use during cold and flu season or to ward off a sore throat. 

Over using of hydrogen peroxide 3% can have side effects; if you use to much or of higher quantity, higher concentration hydrogen peroxide this can cause damage to tooth enamel as a mouthwash, it may also cause stinging, redness, and irritation.


If you choose not to create your own DIY Mouthwash: Here is a great mouthwash for your oral care:

Auromere Ayurvedic Mouthwash - Vegan, Fluoride Free, Alcohol Free, Natural, Non GMO (16 fl oz)




DIY Tooth Powder: For Brushing and Oral Care (Can be turn into a toothpaste texture easily)

2 TBLSP organic neem leaf, powder
1/3 cup baking soda
1/3 cup bentonite clay, food grade
2 teaspoon activated charcoal, food grade
2 teaspoon himalayan pink salt or celtic salt
1 teaspoon organic stevia, powder

5 drops of your choice essential oil blend (see essential oils list below) 
1/4 cup witch hazel (non alcohol base)

Mix all powder ingredients into a bowl and mix together well.
In a separate bowl, Sprinkle drops of essential oil blend into the witch hazel liquid; blend well
Sprinkle or with the wet ingredients poured into a 2 oz glass spray bottle; shake well; spray the blended liquid throughout the powder mixture and fluff and stir to coat the dry ingredients well.

Store into a wide-mouth UV Amber protected glass container. Shelf stable and will last up to 4 months.

To Use: wet your toothbrush; on a small non-plastic plate place 1/2 teaspoon of dry mix in the middle of your plate place your wet toothbrush into powder and load your toothbrush with the powder mixture; brush, rinse and spit. 

If you don’t want to use an extra plate to load your toothbrush, use a teaspoon and sprinkle directly onto the toothbrush.

**OPTION: If you want to turn this recipe into a DIY Toothpaste and not use a powder base you can add 3 to 4 TBLSP coconut oil, organic, unrefined, cold pressed. Mix one Tablespoon (TBLSP) at a time, into the dry mixture until you reach the texture of paste that you desire. Store into a wide-mouth UV Amber protected glass container. Shelf stable and will last 4 months.

**NOTE: You can change the oil base if needed, avocado, fractionated coconut, sweet almond, extra virgin olive oil, mango butter.

Remember do not use seed oils as they are manufactured and highly refined which changes the nutrients in the food base into toxins from the heat produced in the refining process.

**NOTE: Remember you can adjust or take away ingredients based on allergies, or reactions.


If you choose not to create your own DIY Toothpowder here is a great option for you to use:

Primal Life Organics - Dirty Mouth Toothpowder, Activated Charcoal Tooth Cleaning Powder, Essential Oils with Kaolin & Bentonite Clay, 200+ Brushings, Organic, Vegan (Black Spearmint, 0.25 oz)




DIY Directions for Essential Oil Combinations: for 2 oz of a carrier oil; choose 3 E.O. of your choice; mix or shake well, use in any of the above recipes as an added ingredient.

Essential Oil Blend for Mouth and Throat Care:
For 5 drop combinations: (choose 3:   
#1. 2 drops,   #2. 2 drops,   #3. 1 drops)

Tea Tree






All content, medical definitions, symptom related language, or medical descriptions included in this article is the author's opinion only and should not be considered to be complete or scientifically accurate, or used as a medical diagnosis and/or advice.

This information is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice given by a medical, specialist or any other medical and health professional. It is only used to start a conversation to gain open communication with your chosen health professional.

Any comments that resemble any person, health condition, or situation is purely coincidental.

I recommend that you do your own independent research on the drug/herb interactions that can be dangerous and affect your treatment plan.  I encourage you to discuss your plan of action, list of all health supplements (in any form), dietary changes, and options you decide to pursue with a qualified licensed professional BEFORE purchasing or taking any natural herbal supplement, vitamin, or make any dietary changes you may consider. My suggestion is to make sure the healthcare professional is educated on the use of natural remedies and their uses: Functional Integrative Specialist and Doctors are a good choice for this purpose.

Any product suggestions or affiliate links with the Amazon Associates Affiliate Program given within this article are the products the author personally used and would suggest as an option for you to research further to include in your possible treatment plan. We use affiliate links to promote the products that have shown positive comments and some personal use and recommendations to create suggestions to help give you choices and create awareness.

The author is not to be held responsible for the choices, opinions, of any third party outside links, blogs, articles, product suggestions that are given by the third party outside links who are responsible for their own content.


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